(work against the mainstream)

2 and 2 are not 5, but this seem that all people belief that, in my  case I give proofs that the universe cannot expand but seem that I’m the only one that know that 2 and 2 are not 5, all scientist reject my work against a theory (without proof, by that is only theory) in what they belief.

More: if you belief in any impossible: How you call that? belief or sectarian. This is actual science.

Expansion of the universe and Big Bang theories are creationist theories impossibles.

If all people (same doctors) say that 2 and 2 are 5, although you know really is 4 sometimes you doubt you are mistaken, is difficult understand the other not see the error and that maybe the real error is your.

This and more in my page (with proofs): http://bigbangno.wordpress.com


Tags: Big Bang, creationism, sectarian, belief, proofs, theories


Author: Luis Biarge Baldellou

Email: lbiar@mail.com

Copyright ©2011 Luis Biarge Baldellou – You can copy all or part of this work giving this web page direction.


You can try to proof that this I say is false.